Work started getting hectic around now and I haven't had much time for pic taking. Since Moss died I moved Coltrane into the tank by the door and now he likes to sunbathe too, just like Moss did <3
Random lot today x3 Tony & I found out yesterday that the blind bag MLP's can be identified without opening them! I had to go to Asda with Dad later so we tested out the theory and indeed it was right =D So although it spoils the fun a little of the surprise, at least I won't get doubles now! x3 I've nearly completed the collection now actually
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Blah, I'm knackered now! I've still got work to go to yet too x.X It was a lovely day out again after about 1.30 so Dad helped me drag the degus & Dmi & 'Dini's cages out the house onto the lawn and I cleaned them out, they seemed to enjoy their time in the fresh air
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Today was pretty busy in the way of shopping, we seemed to visit all our local retail park shops for one thing or another, I managed to pick up 1 light up MLP, 2 blind bag MLP and a Monster High, my collecting is in overdrive atm
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Quick pets day today...which reminds me I need to clean out the dragons. And Coltrane too, this was the day I noticed he'd started to beat on Jenkins x.X Gerbils!!!!
Alright I've fallen behind a bit, today I planned well (as I do all days i suppose) but ended up on Tumblr. Anyway, here are some pics
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Loads of pet pics today, I was trying to get some good ones of the new boys but it's really difficult indoors. I resorted to using the flash which sucks a bit, but it does kinda show the difference between Jenkins & Coltrane, the weather is still too sucky to take them outside to try there
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So today I finally gave in and went and got the 3 rescue gerbils I'd been keeping at eye on at the local Pets @ Home. They had been there for just over a week and I had a spare tank since Dimeech & Dini moved into Tai's old cage last week, so me & Dad went to get them. Dad helped me take their getting-home pics by trying to hold them still XD They
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